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Antithrombin Marker

Creative Biolabs is a world-leading provider of application-specific antibody development services. We offer specialized in vitro diagnostic (IVD) antibody development and immunoassay development services targeting the antithrombin marker. Utilizing state-of-the-art technologies, we ensure our clients receive high-quality, stable, flexible, and cost-effective products and services.

Introduction to Antithrombin

Antithrombin (AT) is a 58-kDa plasma glycoprotein synthesized in the liver and a member of the serine protease inhibitor (serpin) family. It contains three disulfide bonds and has four potential glycosylation sites. As a major naturally occurring inhibitor of coagulation, AT inactivates several enzymes in the coagulation system, specifically targeting activated factor II (factor IIa; thrombin) and factor Xa. Research suggests that AT is involved in angiogenesis, with antiangiogenic and antitumor properties, indicating that the clotting and fibrinolytic pathways are directly linked to the regulation of angiogenesis. Additionally, AT plays a crucial role in regulating normal blood coagulation, and antithrombin deficiency often becomes apparent when patients experience recurrent venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism.