With Vessel you can easily test and track performance (in real-time) across six variations, allowing to quantitatively identify the best path for customer success.
A Common Scenario
Lets assume you want to test sign-up screen A versus B to determine which is more successful at moving users through the signup funnel. Easy!

Create an on-boarding A/B test
- Let's go ahead and create "On-boarding A/B test"
- Define your variation controls in Vessel Dashboard
- In this scenario, let's call login with Facebook variation Aand Email login
variation B - Save the test and launch it
- That's it!
//Instrument your landing test in your app deligate or view controller to show different workflows depending upon screen variations.
/** Returns a variation returned by the Vessel server.
@param testName - Look up and load variation for given test.
@param success This block is called when the test is retrieved successfully from the Vessel server.
@param failure This block is called when the test fails to load.
[VesselAB getVariationForTest:@"on-boarding A/B test" WithSuccessBlock:^(NSString *testName, VesselABTestVariation variation) {
if (variation == VesselABTestVariationB) {
// Show Variation B i.e. Login with Email
} else {
// Show Variation A i.e. Login with Facebook
} failureBlock:^{
// Show default flow.
/*** This method set ABListener and gives call back when test is loaded or
* failed.
* @param TEST_NAME - name of the test your want to load
* @param ABListener
VesselAB.getVariationForTest("YOUR_TEST_NAME", new ABListener() {
public void testNotAvailable(TestVariation arg0) {
// Test is not available, show default user flow
public void testAvailable(String s, TestVariation variation) {
// if we have variation B then show onboarding or control show home.
if(variation == TestVariation.B){
// Show new onboarding user flow.
// Show facebook onboarding user flow.
test.getVariationForTest("YOUR_TEST_NAME", function(e) {
Ti.API.info("Vessel - testName is available, op: " + e.variation);
// Test Available
function(e) {
// Test Not available
Ti.API.info("Vessel - testName is not available, op: " + e.variation);
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