
Vessel provides you with visibility what your users are doing by monitoring the user sessions and application sessions in progress.

1. Start User Session

A user session begins when a user takes certain action and ends when action is completed.

/* To start a new session you can use following method
 @param sessionName -The session that is to be started.
- (void) startSession:(NSString*)sessionName;

//Example -To major time spent in shopping cart you need add following code.

Vessel *sharedInstance = [Vessel sharedInstance];
[sharedInstance startSession:@"shoppingCart"];
* This method starts a session with given session name. If a session is
* already active with the given sessionName then no action is taken.
* @param sessonName

public static void startSession(String sessonName);

// Example

* This method starts a session with given session name. If a session is
* already active with the given sessionName then no action is taken.
* @param sessonName


2. End User Session

/* To end a session you can use following method
 @param sessionName -The session that is to be started.
- (void) endSession:(NSString*)sessionName;

// Example -To complete shopping cart session we started, you can use following method

[sharedInstance endSession:@"shoppingCart"];
* This method ends the session with the given sessionName. Can be called
* even if the session has not been started.
* @param sessionName

public static void endSession(String sessionName)
// Example
* This method ends the session with the given sessionName. Can be called
* even if the session has not been started.
* @param sessionName

3. End All Sessions

Include the code below to ensure that all session times, including when the App is in the background are properly recorded.

/** Ends all sessions that have been started but haven't been ended yet.

[sharedInstance endAllSessions];
* This method closes all the active sessions and reports them to the Vessel Platform

* This method closes all the active sessions and reports them to the Vessel Platform


4. Discard All Sessions

If you want to discard all sessions that have been started but haven't been ended yet, you can use following method.

/** Discards all sessions that have been started but haven't been ended yet.

[sharedInstance discardAllSessions];
* This method will discard all sessions
public static void discardAllSessions() 

/** Discards all sessions that have been started but haven't been ended yet.
