
With Vessel you test variations on messaging to determine the best language for optimal conversions.

Buy now or Buy now!

Multivariate testing is a great way to collect quantitative results and the test messaging to maximize an event-specific conversion.


Creating a Message A/B Test

  1. Let's create a test called "Promotion A/B test"
  2. Define variation controls in Vessel Dashboard
  3. Add variation key as "Promotion_title"
  4. Save the test and launch it
/** Returns the value associated with a given test variation variable. If there is none associated or the test failed to load then the defaultValue is returned.
@param testName The test name from which variation variable needs to be retrieved.
@param variableKey The variableKey whose value is to the retrieved.
@param defaultValue In case there is no variation variable named variationVariable or if the test failed to load then the defaultValue is returned.

[VesselAB fromTest:@"YOUR_TEST_NAME" getVariableValueFor:@"VARIATION_KEY" defaultValue:@"DEFAULT_VALUE"];

// For example

NSString *promotionLabel = [VesselAB fromTest:@"Promotion A/B test" getVariableValueFor:@"Promotion_title" defaultValue:@"Buy Now"];
* Returns the value associated with a given test variation variable. If there is none associated or the test failed to load then the defaultValue is returned.
* @param variableKey The variableKey whose value is to the retrieved.
* @param defaultValue In case there is no variation variable named variationVariable or if the test failed to load then the defaultValue is returned.
* @return value for given key | return default value if key is missing.


// Example

String promotionText = VesselAB.getValue("Promotion A/B test", "Promotion_title", ""Buy Now);

// Show this text.
var value = vesselsdk.getValue("YOUR_TEST_NAME", "VARIABLE_KEY", "DEFAULT_VALUE");

//For example
var promotionText = vesselsdk.getValue("Promotion A/B test", "Promotion_title", ""Buy Now);