Setup Test Device

You can configure test devices here. This functionality is used to verify different A/B testing variations or for Preview push notifications before you send them in wild production.

1. Register your iOS test device

  1. Open Xcode and build your application.
  2. Install a debug build of your application on phone or on a simulator.
  3. In log view, look for "To add this device as test device.
  4. Copy the url and paste in the browser. This will register device as test device.
  1. After successful registration, un-install application and reinstall it again.
  2. At this point, you can use this device to preview your test configuration or push notifications.

2. Register your Android test device.

  1. Open Eclipse and build your application.
  2. Install a debug build of your application on phone or on a simulator.
  3. In Eclipse Goto Window-> Show View -> Other -> Android-> Logcat.
  4. In log view, search for keyword "VesselSDK" and look for "To Add as test device, visit url" as bellow.
  5. Copy the url and paste in the browser.
  6. This will register device as test device.
  1. After successful registration, un-install application and reinstall it again.
  2. At this point, you can use this device to preview your test configuration or push notifications.