
This page provides instructions for integrating the Vessel SDK into your Titanium App.

  1. Download Vessel Modules
  2. Drag the .zip files from the download location into the project, placing it at the root of the project. Choose "Copy Files" option.


Alternative Option.

  1. First locate Titanium Installation Directory e.g. ~/Library/Application/ Support/Titanium/modules
  2. Open Modules folder, you will see different platform folders e.g. Android, iPhone etc
  3. Then copy paste android module insider android folder and Vessel iOS Module insider iOS Folder.

1. Import Modules

Open your tiapp.xml file and copy paste following lines.

  <!-- Other modules can be present here -->
  <module platform="android" version="2.0">io.vessel</module>
  <module platform="iphone" version="1.0.0">io.vessel</module>


2. Initialize Vessel Modules

After adding module, VesselSDK should be initialized in app.js or alloy.js and initialize Vessel modules.

var vesselsdk = require('io.vessel');
Ti.API.info("module is => "+vesselsdk);